ODBC Drivers
Connect To Any Database
AutoSQL uses the installed ODBC drivers to help you connect to your database. Windows comes by default installed with drivers for SQL server, Microsoft Acess and some others. But it might be that the driver you need, is not available out of the box.
If you add an ODBC driver on the computer or server on which you run AutoSQL, it automatically becomes available in the driver list. Below you will find a list of available drivers for the most common database.
32-bit versus 64-bit
Some old ODBC drivers are only availble as 32 bit versions. These will only be visible in AutoSQL when you also run the 32-bit version of AutoSQL. This is why AutoSQL comes as a 32 bit and a 64 bit version.
Modern drivers are availble as 64 bit version, so when in doubt, just run the 64 bit version of AutoSQL.
Drivers for the most common databases
If you database is not listed in the table above, it does not mean it doesn’t exist or work with AutoSQL. Just search for your databases ODBC driver, install it and select it in AutoSQL